Daily Activity 21

Good night

     Oke, back again with Yandy here, maybe its been a week a didn't post anything  because last week it was theory week and on last tuesday my friend and I had activity, Widya Wisata that was held in Toraja until last saturday. And on monday, april 30th back again to usual routine in kitchen. Before  I tell you more i'll till you  about my morning routine. I arrived 07.12, but when arrive that was my friends who came first cause she was the class leader for the next today.
     Long short story, we oneline but for this time there were not supervisor because for the next 3 days, senior will be so busy preparing for Tourism Ministry that is visiting our campus. And For semester  2, we made the menu from rotasi II.2 but actually for today we should have made for menu  rotasi  II.3 but there was changing plans cause for today we didn't open resto. but before we start Mr. Wawan came in a gave us  support.
     Arround 10.00 Mr. Jayadi came in and separate the team for making  the menu rotasi II.2 and for my team, we handle the main coure and for today there were just me and my friend Nastassya because my others team mates didn't came but there were few of my friend from other team that helped. For today we prepare 30 % but  it wasn't for restaurant, it  was for us. Arround 13.00 all the food us ready and around 14.25 we were allowed to took a break and around 16.30 we oneline and  started general cleaning. After finished general cleaning we oneline  and there were few information from Mr. Ichal and after that we went home.
